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Remediation Products


A biodegradable dispersant that has many uses besides the remediation of crude oil contaminated soil, such as degreasers and diesel/gasoline spill cleanup after accidents on highways. 




  • Eliminates soil removal/replacement. Considering the dollars spent on disposing of contaminated soil, this single advantage provides a huge cost savings

  • Does not contain bacteria, but rather utilizes the soils natural bio-remediation capabilities.  This is accomplished by using wettability to disperse and force the oil into the soil for natural bioremediation.  The application process of ReVive-O utilizes the natural bacteria source

  • May be used in dry creek beds or ponds.  However, the EPA has not approved the use on running water situations

  • ReVive-O is not harmful to the oil refinery process   

  • ReVive-O can be used for oil recovery, land cleanup, or remediate old oil spill sites



  • Land / contaminated soil cleanup

  • Eliminate soil removal and replacement, for quicker, and less costly remediation

  • Methods: Till or plow if arid region or where hardpan exists 

  • For Producers’ ease, Atoll provides a blended product that can be used immediately. Blended drums of this product can be carried around in Operators’ pickup trucks and used when they have a small spill

  • Spray ReVive-O/fresh water mixture onto spill utilizing a nozzle to facilitate foaming and to hold some back pressure. The oil will become milky in appearance

  • If the amount of oil is unknown, use ReVive-O Accelerator Blend/fresh water mixture  per acre of contaminated soil




A calcium liquid-based product that restores brine water contaminated soil. 





  • Eliminates soil removal /replacement.  When one considers the dollars spent on disposing of contaminated soil, this single advantage provides a huge cost savings

  • Avoids costly lawsuits over land damage

  • Returns soil to the natural state and returns vegetation to the soil

  • Helps stop erosion

  • Inorganic solution for sodium damaged soil remediation

  • Reverses damage from brine water spills

  • Reaggregates dispersed soil particles by releasing sodium-to-soil bond






  • Eliminate soil removal and replacement, for quicker, and less costly remediation

  • Methods:  Till or plow if arid region or where hardpan exists

  • Pressurized spray tank, Sprinkler system, Hot oiler or water truck

  • Recent spills typically require less ReVive-W.  Treat based on the volume of brine spilled.  Should be as soon as possible after the spill to minimize vegetation loss

  • For Producers’ ease, Atoll provides a blended product that can be used immediately. Blended drums of this product can be carried around in Operators’ pickup trucks and used when they have a small spill 

  • Check the area once every three months to determine if additional treatment is needed.  Vegetation should return within 6 – 9 months

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